10 March 2010

The Game of Bao

Bao (Swahili for "board") is a traditional mancala variation played all over Eastern Africa (Tanzania/Zanzibar and Kenya, but also in Uganda and Malawi), but I also came across it in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. The game got different names (such as Bawo in Malawi, HUS in Namibia, Omweso in Uganda) and rules, but the Zanzibar rules seem to be the most spread.

Although the rules are rather simple (counting and capturing), the constant application of the rules is mostly quite confusing for beginners. It uses a 4x8 board and 64 seeds. The object of the game is to empty your opponent's front row, or deprive him of any legal moves, while still protecting your own front row.

I had a look through the net and found to sets of rules that sounded like the ones I know of.
btw - you can play Bao online on baogame.com. I couldn't log myself in (essential to play against other "humans" and not just the computer) last time I was on the website, but hopefully the dudes behind baogame.com will fix the prob one day.

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